Inspired by the real 163rd Fighter Squadron, we take to the skies of DCS's virtual battlefields with one mission: Conducting realism-centered operations that provide an immersive experience for our pilots.

To conduct a diverse range of operations in our combat ops, we simulate many different types of threats and battlespaces, each unique to its respective campaign. The mission staffers will generate a campaign from the ground up based on a geopolitical scenario they create, drawing their data for scenario generation from both historical, hypothetical, and probable real world events.

Our ultimate goal as a squadron is to certify each and every one of our pilots as Combat Mission Ready (CMR) and fly these campaigns. The quality of a simulation experience is largely dictated by the proficiency and skills of those who participate.

Click the button below to find out how we can and will turn you into one of the DCS community’s most knowledgeable and lethal attack pilots.
